Weblog Imano Creatives

Versturen van nieuwsbrieven na 1 oktober

Versturen van nieuwsbrieven na 1 oktober

Op 1 oktober 2009 treedt de nieuwe wetgeving omtrent e-mailcommunicatie in werking. Omdat dit invloed heeft op ieder bedrijf dat werkt met nieuwsbrieven, emailalerts of een andere vorm van e-mailmarketing is het goed om te weten wat dit voor invloed heeft op de organisatie.

lees meer Datum:18-09-09  |  Tijd:14:50  |  Door: Wyco de Groot

Is úw website wel Google proof?

Iedereen kent, gebruikt en vindt informatie met Google. De webgebruiker is nu een aantal jaren gewend aan de zoekgigant en de laatste tijd blijkt dat het zoekgedrag zich aan het veranderen is. Zo kwam ik onlangs een arikel tegen van Jakob Nielsen die ik jullie als webprofessionals niet wou onthouden.

lees meer Datum:26-08-09  |  Tijd:10:40  |  Door: Sytze Mosselaar

OpenID, wat is het én hoe werkt het?

Wie kent het niet, je wilt in een webshop waar je reeds eerder iets hebt gekocht een product kopen maar je bent je wachtwoord vergeten. Dit komt tegenwoordig steeds vaker voor aangezien er steeds meer websites komen waar je je kan registreren. Is het niet voor een webshop dan is het wel voor een forum of een emailaccount. Wellicht dat daar nu, met de opkomst van OpenID een permanente oplossing voor komt.

lees meer Datum:24-08-09  |  Tijd:14:15  |  Door: 

Investeren in Information Architecture

Investeren in Information Architecture

Deze week meldt het Financieel Dagblad dat maar 5% van ondernemend Noord-Nederland tevreden is over hun eigen site. Opvallend is dat 75% van de ondernemers zich onbegrepen voelt en daarnaast vinden ze (70%) dat de leveranciers zich strategischer moeten opstellen.

lees meer Datum:20-08-09  |  Tijd:13:35  |  Door: Sytze Mosselaar


Wilt u graag meer informatie ontvangen over onze diensten? Of wilt u een afspraak maken voor een vrijblijvend kennismakingsgesprek?
Neem dan contact met ons op.



Imano Creatives
Vossepol 41
9231 HG Surhuisterveen
Vossepol 41
9231 HG Surhuisterveen
Telefoon: 0512 362760
E-mail: info@imano.nl
KvK: 01114834
2 WARNING mysqli_query(): (HY000/1): Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_1c2b90_0.MAI' (Errcode: 2 "No such file or directory")
#0  error_handler(2, mysqli_query(): (HY000/1): Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_1c2b90_0.MAI' (Errcode: 2 "No such file or directory"), /home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php, 67, Array ([qry] => SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC,[conn] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[stat] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => )))
#1  mysqli_query(mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[stat] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ), SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php:67]
#2  DB::query(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php:460]
#3  DB::findAll(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DBModel.class.php:673]
#4  DBModel->getAssociation(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DBModel.class.php:240]
#5  DBModel->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand()))
#6  OrganizerCategory->Items(ORDER BY rand())
#7  call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => OrganizerCategory Object ([table] => organizer_categories,[errors] => Array (),[associations] => Array ([Page] => Array ([type] => one,[call] => Page,[class] => Page,[key] => page_id),[Items] => Array ([type] => many,[call] => Items,[table] => organizer_items,[key] => category_id)),[futureAssociations] => Array (),[values] => Array ([id] => 54,[page_id] => 1274,[name] => Afgeronde projecten,[link] => afgeronde_projecten,[position] => 0)),[1] => Items), Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DBCollection.class.php:64]
#8  DBCollection->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand()))
#9  DBCollection->Items(ORDER BY rand()) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/themes/imano.nl/templates/main/layout.tpl:89]
#10 include(/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/themes/imano.nl/templates/main/layout.tpl) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/Template.class.php:104]
#11 Template->render() called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/index.php:116]
2 WARNING mysqli_error() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given
#0  error_handler(2, mysqli_error() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given, /home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php, 134, Array ([qry] => SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC,[error] => 

Query: SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC

)) #1 mysqli_error(SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php:134] #2 DB::error(SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php:67] #3 DB::query(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php:460] #4 DB::findAll(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DBModel.class.php:673] #5 DBModel->getAssociation(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DBModel.class.php:240] #6 DBModel->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) #7 OrganizerCategory->Items(ORDER BY rand()) #8 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => OrganizerCategory Object ([table] => organizer_categories,[errors] => Array (),[associations] => Array ([Page] => Array ([type] => one,[call] => Page,[class] => Page,[key] => page_id),[Items] => Array ([type] => many,[call] => Items,[table] => organizer_items,[key] => category_id)),[futureAssociations] => Array (),[values] => Array ([id] => 54,[page_id] => 1274,[name] => Afgeronde projecten,[link] => afgeronde_projecten,[position] => 0)),[1] => Items), Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DBCollection.class.php:64] #9 DBCollection->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) #10 DBCollection->Items(ORDER BY rand()) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/themes/imano.nl/templates/main/layout.tpl:89] #11 include(/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/themes/imano.nl/templates/main/layout.tpl) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/Template.class.php:104] #12 Template->render() called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/index.php:116]

Query: SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC


Fatal error on line 136 in file /home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php#0 error_handler(256,

Query: SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC


, /home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php, 136, Array ([qry] => SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC,[error] =>

Query: SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC


)) #1 trigger_error(

Query: SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC


, 256) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php:136] #2 DB::error(SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php:67] #3 DB::query(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DB.class.php:460] #4 DB::findAll(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DBModel.class.php:673] #5 DBModel->getAssociation(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DBModel.class.php:240] #6 DBModel->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) #7 OrganizerCategory->Items(ORDER BY rand()) #8 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => OrganizerCategory Object ([table] => organizer_categories,[errors] => Array (),[associations] => Array ([Page] => Array ([type] => one,[call] => Page,[class] => Page,[key] => page_id),[Items] => Array ([type] => many,[call] => Items,[table] => organizer_items,[key] => category_id)),[futureAssociations] => Array (),[values] => Array ([id] => 54,[page_id] => 1274,[name] => Afgeronde projecten,[link] => afgeronde_projecten,[position] => 0)),[1] => Items), Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/DBCollection.class.php:64] #9 DBCollection->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) #10 DBCollection->Items(ORDER BY rand()) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/themes/imano.nl/templates/main/layout.tpl:89] #11 include(/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/themes/imano.nl/templates/main/layout.tpl) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/classes/Template.class.php:104] #12 Template->render() called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/mijn.imano.nl/public_html/index.php:116]