Is úw website wel Google proof?

Datum:26-08-09  |  Tijd:10:40  |  Door: Sytze Mosselaar

Iedereen kent, gebruikt en vindt informatie met Google. De webgebruiker is nu een aantal jaren gewend aan de zoekgigant en de laatste tijd blijkt dat het zoekgedrag zich aan het veranderen is. Zo kwam ik onlangs een arikel tegen van Jakob Nielsen die ik jullie als webprofessionals niet wou onthouden.

Het artikel legt uit waarom bezoekers sneller uw website verlaten door Google. Kort samengevat;

Hoe eenvoudiger het is om plaatsen te vinden met goede informatie, des te moeilijker is het om bezoekers vast te houden op een individuele website. Vanuit de 'luiheid' die in een ieder van ons schuilt proberen we altijd zoveel mogelijk resultaat te behalen met zo weinig mogelijke inspanning. In de praktijk betekend dit dat een bezoeker steeds sneller de back-button van de browser zal gebruiken om verder te zoeken met Google, behalve als hij snel vindt wat hij wil of het idee krijgt dat hij het daar kan vinden.

Voorheen hoefden we ons er niet zo druk om te maken dat mensen weer gingen Googlen om een andere site te zoeken omdat die vaak verschrikkelijk was of het niet waarschijnlijk was dat je überhaupt een goed resultaat van Google terugkreeg. Die tijd is veranderd... Google geeft kwalitatief hoogwaardige zoekresultaten terug en vaak zijn er voor jou 10.000 andere zoekresultaten.

Een aantal mogelijke oplossingen hiervoor:

  • Ondersteun korte bezoeken op de site
  • Moedig bezoekers aan om terug te komen; bijvoorbeeld door een RSS of nieuwsbrief functionaliteit.
  • Zorg voor vindbaarheid bij de zoekmachines
  • Speel in op de onmiddelijke behoeftes van een bezoeker

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Over Sytze Mosselaar

Sytze is één van de oprichters van Imano Creatives en eindverantwoordelijke voor alle zaken die met usability of design te maken hebben.

telefoon   058 - 7501310


Wilt u graag meer informatie ontvangen over onze diensten? Of wilt u een afspraak maken voor een vrijblijvend kennismakingsgesprek?
Neem dan contact met ons op.



Imano Creatives
Vossepol 41
9231 HG Surhuisterveen
Vossepol 41
9231 HG Surhuisterveen
Telefoon: 0512 362760
KvK: 01114834
2 WARNING mysqli_query(): (HY000/1): Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_1c2b90_0.MAI' (Errcode: 2 "No such file or directory")
#0  error_handler(2, mysqli_query(): (HY000/1): Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_1c2b90_0.MAI' (Errcode: 2 "No such file or directory"), /home/mijnimano/domains/, 67, Array ([qry] => SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC,[conn] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[stat] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => )))
#1  mysqli_query(mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[stat] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ), SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/]
#2  DB::query(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/]
#3  DB::findAll(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/]
#4  DBModel->getAssociation(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/]
#5  DBModel->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand()))
#6  OrganizerCategory->Items(ORDER BY rand())
#7  call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => OrganizerCategory Object ([table] => organizer_categories,[errors] => Array (),[associations] => Array ([Page] => Array ([type] => one,[call] => Page,[class] => Page,[key] => page_id),[Items] => Array ([type] => many,[call] => Items,[table] => organizer_items,[key] => category_id)),[futureAssociations] => Array (),[values] => Array ([id] => 54,[page_id] => 1274,[name] => Afgeronde projecten,[link] => afgeronde_projecten,[position] => 0)),[1] => Items), Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/]
#8  DBCollection->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand()))
#9  DBCollection->Items(ORDER BY rand()) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/]
#10 include(/home/mijnimano/domains/ called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/]
#11 Template->render() called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/]
2 WARNING mysqli_error() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given
#0  error_handler(2, mysqli_error() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given, /home/mijnimano/domains/, 134, Array ([qry] => SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC,[error] => 

Query: SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC

)) #1 mysqli_error(SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #2 DB::error(SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #3 DB::query(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #4 DB::findAll(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #5 DBModel->getAssociation(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #6 DBModel->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) #7 OrganizerCategory->Items(ORDER BY rand()) #8 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => OrganizerCategory Object ([table] => organizer_categories,[errors] => Array (),[associations] => Array ([Page] => Array ([type] => one,[call] => Page,[class] => Page,[key] => page_id),[Items] => Array ([type] => many,[call] => Items,[table] => organizer_items,[key] => category_id)),[futureAssociations] => Array (),[values] => Array ([id] => 54,[page_id] => 1274,[name] => Afgeronde projecten,[link] => afgeronde_projecten,[position] => 0)),[1] => Items), Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #9 DBCollection->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) #10 DBCollection->Items(ORDER BY rand()) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #11 include(/home/mijnimano/domains/ called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #12 Template->render() called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/]

Query: SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC


Fatal error on line 136 in file /home/mijnimano/domains/ error_handler(256,

Query: SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC


, /home/mijnimano/domains/, 136, Array ([qry] => SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC,[error] =>

Query: SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC


)) #1 trigger_error(

Query: SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC


, 256) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #2 DB::error(SELECT * FROM organizer_items WHERE category_id = "54" ORDER BY rand(), position ASC) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #3 DB::query(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #4 DB::findAll(Query Object ([params] => Array ([0] => 54),[values] => Array ([fields] => *,[table] => organizer_items,[where] => category_id = ?,[order] => rand(), position ASC))) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #5 DBModel->getAssociation(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #6 DBModel->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) #7 OrganizerCategory->Items(ORDER BY rand()) #8 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => OrganizerCategory Object ([table] => organizer_categories,[errors] => Array (),[associations] => Array ([Page] => Array ([type] => one,[call] => Page,[class] => Page,[key] => page_id),[Items] => Array ([type] => many,[call] => Items,[table] => organizer_items,[key] => category_id)),[futureAssociations] => Array (),[values] => Array ([id] => 54,[page_id] => 1274,[name] => Afgeronde projecten,[link] => afgeronde_projecten,[position] => 0)),[1] => Items), Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #9 DBCollection->__call(Items, Array ([0] => ORDER BY rand())) #10 DBCollection->Items(ORDER BY rand()) called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #11 include(/home/mijnimano/domains/ called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/] #12 Template->render() called at [/home/mijnimano/domains/]